Real World Application of GRE and VXLAN Encapsulation between Mixed Hypervisors on Disjoint Networks PART-1. Happy Thanksgiving! I thought about putting this all into one post. I quickly realized it wouldn’t be possible as there is just to much! Contrary to what this first post’s format this will be a technical how to. This is just the introduction to what we are going to be doing. The following parts will… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Change interface names back to eth0, eth1 on CentOS 7 CentOS 7 interface naming has changed from the previous version, now instead of the first interface being named eth0, the second named eth1 and so forth, we have eno1 or eno16777984 or some other scheme starting with eno, not a major deal unless your running a multi node application that depends on all the interfaces… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How to install Oracle Java 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 To install Oracle Java 7: First add the PPA to apt with: Now update: Now we can actually install Oracle Java with the following command: Accept the Oracle License Agreement when prompted Java is now installed.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Make Mikrotik RouterOS and much, much more work on Citrix Xenserver This is a quickie! I come across this a lot, you try to install specialized software like Mikrotik routeros, ClearOS, Endian Firewall, any job specific operating system (nas, iSCSI targets.) the list is pretty much endless. Many times it ends in frustration as the virtual machine hangs or freezes on boot. Next time this happens… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How to install Xenserver tools (xs-tools.iso) on ClearOS virtual router. Citrix made its Distributed virtual switch controller (DVSC) publicly available about a year or so ago, at the same time they announced it was being deprecated. This was bitter sweet. Home labs now had access to this technology previously only available to corporations with deep pockets. However, it came with a promise that pretty… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How to create a virtual network that spans every project in your Openstack based cloud. Openstack Neutron has some mind blowing virtual networking. Many thing are not immediately apparent on how to configure though. This was one of them. This video show you how to create a Neutron virtual network that is accessible to all Openstack projects within the cloud. This is useful if you want to make a certain… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How to install xenserver tools on Ubuntu 14.04 Citrix Xenserver is a very under valued and under used production quality tool, in my opinion. Maybe because there is not nearly as much “stuff” about it on the web as there is for other more popular hypervisors.. or shall i say hypervisor. Whatever the reason, you can greatly increase vm performance of both paravirtual… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How to self host many web servers with different domains & URLs with one public IP There are scenarios where you only have one public ip address but want to host many domains, each on their own dedicated virtual or physical server. For instance you may want to host several different WordPress sites from your home using several old computers from circa 1998 you found in a closet sitting ontop of… Read More Like this:Like Loading...