Learn to write your own applications for fun and profit. Here are quality free resources online that I can personally vouch for. I get nothing for suggesting these websites.… Read More

There are many invasive techniques to lowering your lab server’s decibels. Here is a way to do it… command line style! First, make sure you do this from a Linux server. I used Ubuntu. apt install ipmitool Now you have two choices, you can make them even louder, or you can make them whisper quiet.… Read More

Dell’s iDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) is a out of band server management card installed on enterprise servers. It lets you manage the server as if you were physically present at the remote location of your server(s). Along with a graphical web interface which lets you see and manage boot, storage, network, BIOS /… Read More

Edit the resolv.conf file. The file path is /etc/resolv.conf Add your name server to the file by adding: “nameserver x.x.x.x” where x.x.x.x is the IPv4 address of the name server you want to use. Skip to the bottom to copy and paste the exact commands. I went off on a tangent, this is why I… Read More

If you are using a ssh key and having trouble becoming root after loging into WinSCP, this is the answer: In connection settings Click AdvancedUnder Environment select SCP/ShellIn shell value enter the command to elevateSave the configuration.… Read More

I have about 10 servers, several routers, and 5 enterprise and open switches. I want to rewire all of these things in different configurations frequently. I also want to change the hypervisors that run on the 10 servers. i want to do this the easiest way possible. Remotely. If I’m being truly honest with myself… Read More

How to add Image to Glance For the impatient: Microstack is admittedly not my favorite way to deploy openstack, probably because it takes some getting used to. Running openstack services in isolated containers makes things more secure, easier to deploy, homogeneous.. there are so many obvious reasons Canonical did it this way. But it is… Read More

A lab is very dynamic by nature. In stark contrast, data center infrastructure is engineered to be as static as possible once it is configured. So naturally when you have a data center lab you it’s only a matter of time before you come across weird anomalies just from the act of constantly making configuration… Read More

Download package from: https://download.zerotier.com/dist/qnap/ zerotier_1.10.1_x86_64.qpkg Use WinSCP to move the file onto the NAS Install QVPN from the APP Center within QNAP SSH into the nas to the directory where you put the file with WinSCP install it with this command: sudo sh ./zerotier_1.10.1x86_64.qpkg Type the below commands line by line cd /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg ln -s… Read More

Both VLT peers should be configured with the same local VTEP IP address. One would complete the usual VLT config on both peers. An identical loopback IP will be configured on both peers, to serve as the Anycast IP.Other than that, there will be the usual VXLAn config[vxlan-instance xx staticlocal-vtep-ip a.b.c.dno shutvni-profile profilename-abcvnid 50remote-vtep-ip a.b.c.e… Read More

Add this repo to /etc/apt/sources.list Now run: You will receive an error like this: “The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5EF20F34AD2074F “ Copy the characters after NO_PUBKEY from the last command and use it below YOUR PUBKEY WILL BE DIFFERENT Now that you have the correct signautures… Read More

So I upgraded my lab workstation recently and it is running Windows 10 Professional. I installed VMware Workstation 16 PRO and it works fine. It is great for a lab, especially when you need to install a entire vSphere environment. This is because VMware Workstation is great at nested virtualization. My problem started when I… Read More